Dr. David Rose
completing my Doctoral training at The American University, I was continuously
and intensely involved in learning about and practicing psychotherapy. I
was and am very interested in how a therapist thinks and develops, and served as
a teaching assistant in graduate level clinical classes.
Also, my Master's thesis and Doctoral dissertation
research studied the attitudes that therapists carry and how they change as they
gain professional experience.
After completing my Ph.D., I trained in a
Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Sheppard Pratt Hospital in Towson, MD, with
intensive training in working with inpatients and outpatients presenting
depressive disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, anxiety disorders,
and disorders relating to early and recent trauma.
In the
25+ years that I have been in practice, I have been involved in advanced training
programs and institutes to make sure my skills and knowledge were always up to
date and as broad and as deep as possible.
I have trained in Post-Doctoral Institutes in
Couples Therapy and in Treating Trauma Survivors and Their Families, in
specialized programs in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Imago
Relationship Therapy, and Clinical Hypnosis, and I have attended numerous
workshops in areas such as Assessment and Intervention with the Suicidal
Patient, Patterns of Addictive Behavior, and workshops for Straight Therapists
working with Gay, Bi, and Lesbian Clients.